I hear this question occasionally and I struggle with it myself at times. Should you get a certificate or a certification in a specific topic? First let’s look at the difference. Then we can look at the why.
A certificate shows you have had some level of professional development. This could include completion of maybe 2-3 courses on a specific topic.
A certification shows proficiency in a specific area, for example taking a comprehensive exam showing that you can or have implemented the concepts and ideas of a topic.
If you look at ASTD, since this is a site about workplace performance, they offer certificates on a number of topics which may include a 2 day seminar or a couple of online sessions. At the end of the courses or sessions, you are given a certificate showing that you have completed the courses in that topic.
On the other hand, ASTD’s CPLP (Certified Performance Learning Professional) certification, you need to take a 150 question exam covering 9 key areas. You also need to submit a work product which is reviewed by a panel of experts.
Many certifications also require you to be re-certified every several years. In the case of the CPLP it is 3 years. You can get re-certified by taking continuing education credits. As you can see, the certification is a bit more involved but can be much more gratifying.
So which to do? It depends. Don’t you hate when that’s the answer?
What’s your goal? In many cases the goal may depend on your outcome. Do you want it to improve a skill? Then a certificate may be enough. Want to show industry expertise? Then maybe a certification may the right way to go.
It can also depend on your work. Does your company or industry place a high value on credentials? Then certification may be the way to go. Credentials don’t usually come with certificates but do with certifications.
Either way, both are about professional development and you can’t go wrong when it comes to your professional development.
Who has completed a certificate or certification and what did you get from it?
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