Sometimes in the thick of things, we don’t often take a step back and look at our accomplishments and our successes. You know the little ones. We know and remember the big ones. The organization wide training program, the leadership development program, the skills training we did for a department, but what about the little accomplishments that made a huge difference? The ones that most people didn’t even know happened but you feel them everyday.
For example, the process you put in place where anyone can tell where a project is in development. Or the tweaks you made to reporting where reports are easier to obtain, understand and read. What about the meeting you set up where information flows the way you envisioned it to on a regular basis.
Those wins, those victories, take inventory of those. They’re important! At times they may be as important or more important than the big programs you rolled out. Take inventory of the little things and celebrate those.
What’s in your inventory?
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