Come on, everyone sing along. You know the words, push, pull, push, pull, push, pull. Ok, what am I talking about? I’m talking about the right amount of, well, push and pull. How much do we push out learning versus having the people who need it pull it to themselves when they need it? I’m not suggesting that there is a right amount for every situation, it will depend. Mileage will vary as they say.
But… what if you come up with the perfect plan. You do your homework, discover the needs, plan the ideal solution, present it to the manager, and they say no! Not because they don’t think it will work but because it’s not how they have done it in the past. And they dig in. It’s not that they don’t understand what you’re suggesting and why, it’s they don’t want to change to a new way of thinking. The response may be something like, I’m not comfortable with that style of learning, or we’ve never done it that way before. But wait, it’s not about you, it’s about your learners.
I would suggest that if you are absolutely positively certain you are right…stick to your guns. Find new ways to explain it, get others to buy into your plan and escalate it if you need to. Do whatever you need to do to make sure what you think will work, gets implemented. You are the expert after all!
People who push back are standing in the way of progress, performance improvement, and potentially individuals and departments reaching their goals. If they can’t get on the bus, well you know the old saying, you are either on the bus or under the bus. Keep the performance bus moving forward.
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