That’s it, reach over your shoulder and give yourself a big ol’ pat on the back. You deserve it. After all, will anyone else do it for you? Maybe, maybe not? Either way give yourself one. If someone else does that’s even better!
What am I talking about? We don’t take enough time to self congratulate ourselves on our accomplishments. We are aware of our big projects that get finished or the goal that we accomplish but what about the little
Stuff? That’s the stuff that really adds up. That’s the stuff that we may not think about.
Look at your calendar for the past month, week and day. Review your meetings, emails, and tasks that you completed. What did you accomplish? What small thing came out of that meeting? What idea did you implement? What conversation did you have that turned out better than you thought? You can even do back to the past six months since we are half way through the year.
Now relish them. All of them, the small ones, the medium ones and the large ones. Relive them all. Think about how you felt at that moment of accomplishment. I bet your smiling. Now pat yourself on the back for all those accomplishments and plan the best week ever for next week.
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