I was watching a little of John Lennon’s 75th birthday concert over the weekend and some of the musicians they paired together were interesting. In a good way. As I started thinking about it, I am seeing more and more of these unlikely pairings on awards shows and on other music related shows. For example, […]
10% Happier according to Dan Harris
I have a short review about a book and app that I am reading and trying and it’s a little off the normal topic, but related to success. The topic is Mindfulness. It’s probably not new to all of you but it is to me. When I say new, I have known about it for […]
What’s in Your Training Toolkit?
I have to ask the question; as trainers are we doing a good enough job at scoping a training request when they come in? The answer is… Sometimes! So what tools should we add to build that toolbox to be able to move the answer to YES! Do we do a good enough job at […]
Take a Development Vacation — Even if it’s Only an Hour or Two
Take a development vacation even if it’s only an hour or two How often do you get out of your office and surround yourself with others in your field? You should as often as you can. Next week I will be at the ASTD Chapter Leadership Conference. Besides being filled with incredible information, I know […]
Time to Take Inventory
Sometimes in the thick of things, we don’t often take a step back and look at our accomplishments and our successes. You know the little ones. We know and remember the big ones. The organization wide training program, the leadership development program, the skills training we did for a department, but what about the little […]