Paradigm shift – a fundamental change in approach or underlying assumptions. Are you locked into the same way of doing the same things. Are there things you need to change? In this article, we will be looking at processes to change. It is time to take a step back and evaluate your major and minor process. […]
5 Ways to be Open Minded
Have you ever been so attached to a thought or outcome that you missed or ignored information that showed it wasn’t such a good idea? Or information that just just proved it wrong? Have you ever held onto something for so long that you just couldn’t let it go since you had so much time […]
4 Components for Engaged Employees
A question I hear often is what are the components to have employees engaged and taking ownership? There are many considerations but I wanted to share 4 major components I believe are critical to have engaged, successful employees. Culture Culture is a system of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs, which directs how people behave […]
How to Stay Relevant and Embrace Disruption
Business is changing at light speed. Skills are changing just as fast. Here are 7 questions you need to ask and 6 things you can do to stay current. Where and how could disruption impact your business? How will your skills and those of your employees be impacted? What are you still doing where new […]
8 Ways to Win at Work
Whining isn’t winning was a Twitter Hashtag that appeared this week after a couple of primaries didn’t go the way a certain politician wanted it to. This politician took to the airwaves and social media complaining that the system wasn’t fair. It was rigged against him and offered several other excuses. The reality is that the rules were […]