I just finished a book that I would highly recommend you read. The book, Making Ideas Happen by Scott Belsky. The book was written for creative people who have a constant stream of ideas but have trouble executing them. Scott Belsky is the Founder and CEO of Behance. Behance makes products and services for the […]
Identity Crisis
What and who are we? Are any of you having an identity crisis? One day you are creating a L&D program and the next you are asked to do some competency modeling for career ladders. Does the name of your department fit all of the skills you and your staff offer? Performance Improvement, OD, Talent […]
To Certify or Certificate
I hear this question occasionally and I struggle with it myself at times. Should you get a certificate or a certification in a specific topic? First let’s look at the difference. Then we can look at the why. A certificate shows you have had some level of professional development. This could include completion of maybe […]
Aligning Goals to Standards of Behaviors
There is a lot of discussion around using goals as employee’s appraisal score in place of competencies or in some cases in addition to those scores. It’s about time! Goals should be the standard that employees are measured on. This allows the appraisal to be objective versus subjective. You either met the goal or you […]
Who Owns Employee Engagement?
Who owns employee engagement? Learning and development? Organizational Development? HR? Individual Managers? The answer is…. wait for it…. The employee! All departments and functions can support engagement, but we can’t force a person to be engaged. Regardless of what we do, we can only encourage them by providing tools and resources such as offering a culture […]