Have you ever been so attached to a thought or outcome that you missed or ignored information that showed it wasn’t such a good idea? Or information that just just proved it wrong? Have you ever held onto something for so long that you just couldn’t let it go since you had so much time and energy invested in it and there was just no turning back?
We often times get so attached to an idea or outcome/project that we don’t or can’t look at it objectively. Many times, we are so entrenched in the idea, that we will dig in to prove we are right, even if the evidence shows we may not be. In other words, we close ourselves off the possibility of being wrong and will do or say anything to show we are right.
“The thing is, it’s very dangerous to have a fixed idea. A person with a fixed idea will always find some way of convincing himself in the end that he is right.”
Here are some safeguards, that can help to alleviate this from happening?
- Don’t make it personal
- Don’t get too attached to the outcome
- Constantly ask what am I missing?
- Ask for input and LISTEN
- Be flexible. Change course if you need to
By incorporating these five mindsets, you will be a better manager and leader by showing how you can adapt.
What you are holding onto that is time to let go of? Let me know in the comments.
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