How did you do on meeting your goals this year? Did you accomplish all or at least some of what you planned to do? If you could look back is there one thing that you didn’t get done that you would have liked to?
My guess is that you answered like most people and you didn’t accomplish all that you wanted to. You most likely got sidetracked by life. Those everyday requests that don’t help you achieve your goals but you feel like you need to or have to take on. Maybe a request from your boss, your employees and family members. There just doesn’t seem to be enough time to accomplish everything you want to accomplish. Maybe it’s time to ask for help in achieving all that you want and deserve to attain.
Here’s a solution, use a business coach or you can continue to get the same results you have been getting.
Here are 5 ways a coach can help you achieve your goals or outcomes.
A coach can help you to identify the real goal you want to achieve
Often times, we think we know what we want but aren’t clear about our priorities. We are being pulled in many different directions by many different sources. Our bosses, employees, family, emails, texts and calls just to name a few. It’s easy to get distracted. In fact it’s almost impossible not to get distracted. That’s why it’s even more important to choose to work on the really important goals. The goals that will have the biggest impact on you and your organization. Having someone help you determine what’s important can be invaluable. In many cases what you think you need to do maybe a red herring for what you really need to do. A good coach can probe to determine what is truly important.
A coach can help you determine why that goal is important to you
Determining the WHY will help drive you to meet the goal. The bigger the why the better chance of success. Understanding why we are doing something, gives you purpose. It also anchors you on the goal. During those times when you are distracted by everything going on in your life, looking at the why will anchor you back to the goal you need to achieve.
A coach can provide perspective
A coach can provide you with strategies that will help you determine how good, bad or important each goal is in comparison with other things. This will help you prioritize your goals. This allows you to take a step back and with a non-partial observer, make some better distinctions when making a final decision on what to work on.
A coach can hold you accountable
As you move forward with the steps you need to take to meet your goals, your coach will hold you accountable. This will allow you to set milestones and commitments and have someone on your side who will hold your feet to the fire to meet your deadlines.
A coach can help you determine the next steps to continue growth
A big mistake that many people make is that they stop when the goal is reached. Don’t do that! Keep going! Build on that goal and create real momentum. A coach will help you build on that success and begin the cycle again starting with helping you identify your next goal.
As you can see, a coach can help you be the best you and achieve all the things you want. A coach can help you to be as successful as you want to be. Wouldn’t it be great to sit down this time next year and look back over your year and realize you have accomplished more this year than you ever have before. You just didn’t go through your “To Do” list and check off tasks, you went through your lists and checked off tasks that helped you reach the incredible goals that you set for yourself.
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